Can I Get A 1-on-1
Call With Paul?
Due to Paul's very busy schedule, this page is the only way to get in direct contact with him. Here's how it works. You pay upfront for the time you need. It runs in 30-minute intervals minimum. (no going over the time you booked, another session will have to be booked if you need extra time.)
The price is $1000 per 30 minutes if you pay via PayPal or Credit Card.
PayPal payment can be made here. | Credit Card can be made here.
If you want to pay by Bitcoin (you get a $500 discount) it's $500 per 30 minutes.
Send your payment to this address: 1Frv4rWAjXQHH4Ltu493vfok7zKoWbFtTt
Contact support after payment has been made to book the call.
No refunds, Paul can't get his time back. 🙂
Due to Paul's very busy schedule, this page is the only way to get in direct contact with him. Here's how it works. You pay upfront for the time you need. It runs in 30-minute intervals minimum. (no going over the time you booked, another session will have to be booked if you need extra time.)
The price is $1000 per 30 minutes if you pay via PayPal or Credit Card.
PayPal payment can be made here. | Credit Card can be made here.
If you want to pay by Bitcoin (you get a $500 discount) it's $500 per 30 minutes.
Send your payment to this address: 1Frv4rWAjXQHH4Ltu493vfok7zKoWbFtTt
Contact support after payment has been made to book the call.
No refunds, Paul can't get his time back. 🙂